Author: Alexius Meinong
Cited by
- Michal Ajvaz (1)
- IN: The Golden Age (2001) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: Without doubt, metaphysics has to do with everything that exists. However, the totality of what exists, including what has existed and will exist, is infinitely small in comparison with the totality of the Objects of knowledge. This fact easily goes unnoticed, probably because the lively interest in reality which is part of our nature tends to favor that exaggeration which finds the non-real a mere nothing - or, more precisely, which finds the non-real to be something for which science has no application at all or at least no application of any worth. [...] There is not the slightest doubt that what is supposed to be the Object of knowledge need not exist at all.
FROM: The Theory of Objects, (1904), Book, Austria